NDC is on everyone’s lips in the travel industry. But what is behind these three letters? Find out about the history and the possibilities of New Distribution Capability and learn how travellers, distribution partners and technology providers can benefit from this pioneering data transmission standard.

Speaking the same language – NDC
NDC stands for New Distribution Capability and describes a pioneering data standard. The basic idea of the standard is to make communication consistent between various partners and different systems as a first step, in order to then make them more easily automatable as a second step. NDC therefore improves, simplifies and extends the communication options between airlines, travel agencies and travellers. NDC, the XML-based data transmission standard launched by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), literally offers new opportunities in distribution.

Sometimes it’s easier to explain what something isn’t. New Distribution Capability is not a stand-alone system. Nor is it software, a service or even an independent technology. Behind NDC is a set of rules that determines how data is to be requested and which answer formats are to be expected. With the development of NDC, IATA is specifying how communication between the different systems is regulated. NDC is an XML-based data standard that will standardise digital language throughout the industry.